Platform for Performance™
The PLATFORM is a unique and customized program for measuring, enhancing, and modifying performance to enhance profit.  SCN Insight created and trademarked a diagnostic process which "transforms" performance expectations into measurable results.  It combines customized performance diagnostics with a solid human resources foundation.  Through the use of realistic assessments and industry specific expectations a customized, revenue producing model for TOP performance is created.

The Platform for Performance™ has 3 components


1. Diagnostics

  • Customized assessments

  • Individualized performance diagnostics to measure KPI

  • Tailored Performance Improvement programs for all level

  • Enhanced profit margin through customized execution models

  • A creative S-Strength W-Weakness O-Opportunity T-Threat (SWOT) approach to performance

2. Training

The Platform's training component  takes you and your team through creative training modules that brand performance and enhance productivity. Several specialized programs are:

  • ACT Leadership Program (A=Analyze, C=Coach, T=Train)

  • Personalized industry specific training

  • Compliance training and talent development programs

  • Interactive and captivating orientation processes

  • Certified team building programs

  • Effective executive coaching processes

3. E-Platform Communication

You have access to an innovative, interactive web-based data source that takes performance to a new level.  The Platform is a “virtual” meeting point where skills, assessments, challenges, and successes are reviewed and analyzed by experts in academia to Wall Street and all industries in between. It is an e-Platform created by SCN for effective performance and time mangement.



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